From 20 and Free to 21 and Imprisoned

my journey living with lupus

Why blog?

I wanted an outlet to share my story, my experiences, and my journey with lupus. After my diagnosis I did what many do and turned to the internet for answers. Yeah I learned all about the symptoms and what this disease does to the body and brain, but I was searching for something more. I was looking for experiences, tips, hints, something more than a textbook or research can offer. I was looking for hope. I found it in reading personal accounts and blogs. For some reason, feeling connected with someone else made the whole experience less frightening. Lupus takes on many faces, and a familiar one I feel has been almost necessary in my coping. Maybe a “she got through this so I can too” mentality?  Anyways, I’m hoping that eventually I can reach someone, somewhere, and help them in fighting this war. Perhaps we can fight together.

Something to add?